Welcome to the resurrection library
Dear visitor!
This is a project that is grounded in the fact that the resurrection of Jesus is the most important theme in the whole world, in all intellectual discourse, in all christianity, the most stunning fact of theology. It is the centre of history and the christian church. It is the centre of our hope, our own resurrection in the end of time, and our resurrection will be directly caused by the resurrection of Jesus.
But unfortunately it is not the centre of the christian church today. It is just a theme among other themes, although it was the main issue the first christians spoke about. Actually the death of Jesus is a more popular theme than the resurrection of Jesus. The difference is huge. But so it was not for the first christians. They spoke almost only about the resurrection.
With the resurrection library I want to change things in the christian church. I want to make the resurrection the main theme. And this library is a contribution to this end.
The library is especially directed to scholars who work with the resurrection.
Yours sincerely, Lars Larsen