Audio lectures, audio books and sermons on the resurrection of Jesus.
The Power Of His Resurrection by Major Ian Thomas - The Pursuit of God Audio Library - brought by Peter-John Parisis (founder of The School of Prayer)
The Desire of Ages, by Ellen G. White
The Fundamental Doctrines of the Christian Faith, by Reuben Archer Torrey
The Death and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ - Commentary on the Gospel of St Matthew
by St. John Chrysostom
Other topics, illustrating the richness of audiobooks out there:
The Justifications by Madame Guyon - Section 01 of 60, Part 01 of 02 - read by Peter-John Parisis
by Madame Jeanne de la Mothe Guyon (Guion)
Audio books by Charles Spurgeon
The Great Controversy, by Ellen G. White
Audio Debates and Lectures with Dr. Gary R. Habermas Divided into Three Topics:
(A) Methodology; (B) Current Issues & Debates; (C) Doubt, Pain, and Suffering