The resurrection library

A resource collection about the resurrection of Jesus (primarily) and the general resurrection at the end of time

Books freely readable on the internet, part 2

Publicerad 2022-02-12 05:34:00 i Books freely readable, part 2,

Scholarly literature about the issue on the internet archive:
Skeptical and agnostic literature:
Habermas, Gary R; Flew, Antony, 1923-2010; Miethe, Terry L., 1948-: Did Jesus rise from the dead? : the resurrection debate, 1987

Marxsen, Willi, 1919-1993: The Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, 1970


Believer's literature:

Habermas, Gary R; Flew, Antony, 1923-2010; Miethe, Terry L., 1948-: Did Jesus rise from the dead? : the resurrection debate, 1987

Devotional and popular literature about the issue on the internet archive:
Ankerberg, John: The Passion and the empty tomb, 2005


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Lars Larsen

Born 1984. Norwegian ecotheologian, ecophilosopher and poet.

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